I have started to make art by looking around and seeing things outside in nature. In which I slowly but, surely began to draw things like flowers, mountains, waterfalls, and much more. I have in other words spent more time outside taking pictures and admiring the great beauty that there is around us. Nature; is what makes this world have so much beauty and color in which makes you realize how short life can be. With no water plants won't be able to grow they would just die. This is just like love; when you don't nurture love and take care of it; it all comes to an end. 
    For my drawings I have used pencils, water color, and acyrlic. I have worked on canvasas and on paper. Using my camera I took pictures of nature in which I later got to painting it.

    I have tried to convey my art with different shape, lines, color, and pattern. Showing that color is important in the paintings because it's the way that you can show of nature and the beauty of it. Through the many different patterns that the grass can convey or the rivers or flowers it makes a well done painting. The thing I try to do all the time is to keep my hand moving so that I can get the painting to turn out well done.

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